Thursday, 19 June 2008

Thursday - day 2 12.45pm

Today I feel really tired. I managed to sleep for the first time last night but woke up with an awful cough. Because I am so tired and don't feel well, nothing is cheering me up.

Th last couple of days when I couldn't sleep they didn't want me to do anything but when I get a tiny bit of sleep they keep wanting me to do things and be more active. With a big struggle, which took around 1 hour, I managed to get into a chair. This took my mum and Katie, my nurse, a lot of effort too. But now I am in the chair. I have a pillow over my tummy for extra support which helps.

The medicine is making me a bit shaky and I feel sick. Coughing also hurts alot and is not going away. I should be eating lunch but I don't feel up to it.

On a positive note, my results are good and the doctors are happy.


Anonymous said...

Good afternoon Lesquerre Junior,

So sorry that you're feeling so rubbish. It's horrible to be feeling like that, but hopefully it won't last long. And all these doctors andnurses obviously want to keep you awake and doing things as they love your company sooo much, they can't bear to be without it for even a couple of hours!

Hope you're smiling again soon.

Love you lots like stripey socks x

Anonymous said...

Impressed you found something positive to say even when you weren't feeling well today. Thinking of you and missing your cheery face in the Infirmary. Good we can keep track of you via the blog anyway!

Anonymous said...

Hello, good morning and welcome to Friday which i really hope will be loads better than Thursday. That sounded like a tough day for you but each day will soon be better than the day before. One small step today will tomorrow be a slightly bigger step, then a plain old boring step, then a biggish step, then maybe an enormous step, and then an gigantic leap out of the hospital and home.
Sending lots of love and hope you find things to make you smile today. jenni xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx