Saturday, 28 June 2008

Saturday - new weekly update

This is a picture of some of the 'get well soon' cards my Dad and I have received. Everyone has been so kind thinking of us.

I have decided to update my blog every Saturday now that I am home from the hospital. If anything interesting happens, I will do a post in between. I hope you will keep checking on my blog each week.

Dad and I are recovering at home. My Dad has got a cold already! Hopefully it will get better soon.

I have been going to the hospital every day to have my bloods checked and my blood pressure and weight too. Of course, the day we came out of hospital, I suddenly started to feel a lot of pain that night. In the morning, it was still hurting a lot and I thought I may have an infection. At the hospital I had to have an ultrasound scan as the Dr thought maybe it was the stent that was causing it. Everything looked fine on the scan and, as usually happens, as soon as I got to the hospital I started to feel better and the pain disappeared. They think it was the stent that moved a bit and caused some irritation. Typical! (The stent is a small tube that has been inserted into my ureter and bladder whilst my bladder gets used to the kidney, this will be removed about 6 weeks after the transplant - another anaethestic to look forward to!).

Apart from that everything is good so far. Being at home is great but boring in some ways. I am resting quite a bit. I have also started to eat loads! Trust me, I mean loads! The steroids I am taking are making me feel hungry all the time. I still have pain by my new kidney but it is gradually getting better, I can turn on my right side now rather than just lying on my back.

Introducing Tyler - the newest member of the family! This is my brother's cat. He is so cute, especially when he sleeps.

I'll have another post soon.


Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Last Post from the hospital!

Guess what everyone!!!



Dr. B suggested this to me this morning when I told him that I had finally gone for a.... Well you can guess.

I was really happy when he said "we shall consider whether you can go home today or tomorow."

When the doctors came round they confirmed that TODAY!! was the day I was going home.

I repeat Woo Hoo!

But this is not the end. However, hopefully the worst is over but I still have to come every day for a few weeks for bloods and checkups.
When I get home I get to look forward to arguing with my dad about what to watch on TV. I am very lucky that I am going home as a boy came today who is now sleeping, he is SNOOORING very loudly!!!

Keep checking the blog and keep leaving comments. Thank you everyone for your support and comfort. I MIGHT miss SOME nurses HA HA, but I am sure they won't miss me.

Once again thank you for all your support and comfort and I will do a new post soon.

Monday, 23 June 2008

I thought you might like to see the clever picture of the card my drama class from school sent me. Sorry it is a bit blurry.


Here is a quiz for all my readers:

Read each line aloud without making any mistakes: If you make a mistake you MUST start again without going any further.

this is this puzzle
this is is puzzle
this is how puzzle
this is to puzzle
this is keep puzzle
this is an puzzle
this is idiot puzzle
this is busy puzzle
this is for puzzle
this is forty puzzle
This is seconds! puzzle

Now read this:

Now go back and read the third word in each line from the top.

Well, I thought it was funny! But then again maybe I have been here too long!!! Check out Young Times using this link for more puzzles!

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Sunday - day 5 post op

Today I have got out of bed quite a bit and I even went for a walk around Queen's Square outside the hospital. I went with my Grandma and Uncle J. We took a wheelchair with us and I have to admit I did use it a bit but mostly I walked. The idea of moving more was to try to get me to go for a pooooo. Did it work - no, not yet. Still waiting. Never thought there would be that much interest in my poo.

My results are good, my creatinin has gone to 85 - when I started this it was nearly 500!

I have been chatting quite a bit with Sarah and Sue today too on the ward.

My Dad is still not feeling that great from his infection and getting very fed up stuck in hospital. At this rate I will be out before him!