Sunday, 22 June 2008

Sunday - day 5 post op

Today I have got out of bed quite a bit and I even went for a walk around Queen's Square outside the hospital. I went with my Grandma and Uncle J. We took a wheelchair with us and I have to admit I did use it a bit but mostly I walked. The idea of moving more was to try to get me to go for a pooooo. Did it work - no, not yet. Still waiting. Never thought there would be that much interest in my poo.

My results are good, my creatinin has gone to 85 - when I started this it was nearly 500!

I have been chatting quite a bit with Sarah and Sue today too on the ward.

My Dad is still not feeling that great from his infection and getting very fed up stuck in hospital. At this rate I will be out before him!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning,
Great to hear that you're on the up and that Grandma and Jude have trying to get you moving- in more ways than one! Hope the long awaited poo (horrid word) arrives today so that you do not feel obliged to post more bowel related messages!
Hope you have a good day. Sorry to hear that Dad is still in hospital and I hope he is feeling better today.
I will write again this evening.
Oodles of lovely love, jenni