I have decided to update my blog every Saturday now that I am home from the hospital. If anything interesting happens, I will do a post in between. I hope you will keep checking on my blog each week.
Dad and I are recovering at home. My Dad has got a cold already! Hopefully it will get better soon.
I have been going to the hospital every day to have my bloods checked and my blood pressure and weight too. Of course, the day we came out of hospital, I suddenly started to feel a lot of pain that night. In the morning, it was still hurting a lot and I thought I may have an infection. At the hospital I had to have an ultrasound scan as the Dr thought maybe it was the stent that was causing it. Everything looked fine on the scan and, as usually happens, as soon as I got to the hospital I started to feel better and the pain disappeared. They think it was the stent that moved a bit and caused some irritation. Typical! (The stent is a small tube that has been inserted into my ureter and bladder whilst my bladder gets used to the kidney, this will be removed about 6 weeks after the transplant - another anaethestic to look forward to!).
Apart from that everything is good so far. Being at home is great but boring in some ways. I am resting quite a bit. I have also started to eat loads! Trust me, I mean loads! The steroids I am taking are making me feel hungry all the time. I still have pain by my new kidney but it is gradually getting better, I can turn on my right side now rather than just lying on my back.
Introducing Tyler - the newest member of the family! This is my brother's cat. He is so cute, especially when he sleeps.
I'll have another post soon.
Hey Q, so glad to hear you and your Dad are doing so well. Have a fab birthday tomorrow and I will see you in a couple of weeks or so when I'm back. Lots of love!
Hello Q,
Glad to get an update and also to see the cards (did you hide mine at the back?) Also Tyler looks so sweet. With a name like that I am sure he will be very well behaved and responsible.
I have posted your birthday stuff today so hope it gets to you by tomorrow. I couldn't do it yesterday as I was busy watching the tennis so couldn't leave the house!
I hope you are no longer in pain and that the daily trips to the hospital are okay.
Lots of hugs from jenni x
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