Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Last Post from the hospital!

Guess what everyone!!!



Dr. B suggested this to me this morning when I told him that I had finally gone for a.... Well you can guess.

I was really happy when he said "we shall consider whether you can go home today or tomorow."

When the doctors came round they confirmed that TODAY!! was the day I was going home.

I repeat Woo Hoo!

But this is not the end. However, hopefully the worst is over but I still have to come every day for a few weeks for bloods and checkups.
When I get home I get to look forward to arguing with my dad about what to watch on TV. I am very lucky that I am going home as a boy came today who is now sleeping, he is SNOOORING very loudly!!!

Keep checking the blog and keep leaving comments. Thank you everyone for your support and comfort. I MIGHT miss SOME nurses HA HA, but I am sure they won't miss me.

Once again thank you for all your support and comfort and I will do a new post soon.


Anonymous said...

Hello Q,
That's fantastic news about going home today - I might bake a cake to celebrate!
Loads of Woo Hoos!!
Sending you a huge hug and a massive thankyou to the hospital team for doing such a great job. Maybe they can even cure the new boy's snoring!
Jenni xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

casparsj said...

Yo its Caspar, im back from canada! im so pleased you are OK.

Let me know when you want another drum lesson :)

Anonymous said...

hey Q
we all miss you soooooooo much

alex says "ben wallis thinks that the food there is probably much beter than it is here at schl and it made me crack up sooo muchos lmao '

emily says " you missed ben triping over agin 2we'll get him to do it agin when u get back

Jasmine says "missed u soooooo much ,can't wait for u to come back ......"

we all miss you and wanna see you soon

eleanor xx
send us all an email soon as u get home